- Is the latest development in Aquarium Pharmaceuticals for the specific treatment of Ichthyophthirus Multifiliis ("Ich" commonly known as "white spots") in aquarium fish. It destroys ich parasites effectively within 24 hours and within 3 days for persistent cases.
- On the first detection, if Ich, ( white pepper-like specks found on affected fish) use 5 ml (one teaspoonful) to 25 litres ( 5 gallons) of water. Repeat treatment on the second day for persistent cases.
- Creates natural water conditions instantly by neutralising fresh tap water's chlorine content which is very harmful to aquarium fish.
- It also removes heavy metals such as arsenic, mercury or cyanide normally found in water collected from the lakes and springs.
- It is economical, safe and non-toxic to aquarium plants and fish.
- Use 5 ml (one teaspoonful) to every 25 litres of fresh water changed. It should be used whenever freshwater is added to the aquarium.
- This General Aid Is a famous standard preparation used as a cure and more as general prevention of most fish diseases commonly faced by hobbyists.
- It is widely used in fish farms and hatcheries all over the world and exporters find it extremely useful to cut down mortality rates of live fish during transit.
- Unlike most Acriflavine based products "RID-ALL" General Aid will not cause lethal egg binding in most aquarium fish.
- For ich, mouth and body fungi, fin and tail rot, torn fins, and sore spots add 5 ml. with one teaspoonful of salt to 5 litres of aquarium water. Repeat after 2 days if no improvement, using 10 ml.
- Use the latest chemicals that are effective against tail and fin-rot, fish and egg fungi, mouth fungus, white spots, flukes and velvet, fin and skinturbidity or cloudiness and external injuries.
- Effective against diseases caused by Ichthyophthirius spp.(white spots), Costia spp., Trichodina spp., Trichodinella spp., Chilodonella spp. (protozoan parasites - the main cause of white spots and sliminess of the skin), Saprolegniaspp., (cotton-like threads grow on gill filaments fish and egg fungi), Trichodinellaspp., Flexibacateria (cotton-wool disease or mouth fungus), Cryptobia spp.,and Trypanosoma spp., (listless behaviour, emaciation and "popeye").
- Use 5 ml. (One teaspoonful) to every 25 litres of water. For bigger fish such as Carps, Cichlids, Gold Fish, Gourami, Koi, Oscars, Parrot Fish and in severe fungi infections use 10 ml. (two teaspoonfuls) if necessary. To treat external injuries dab the affected areas with undiluted ANTI-FUNGUS.